A Secondment in 2 Minutes

A Secondment in 2 Minutes

Celia has just completed her second secondment where she was based with Member company Scottish Agronomy. During her time with them she recorded some of her experiences showing what a secondment can be like in just 1 second a day.

We asked Celia about her experiences during her Secondment and how she felt she has developed during this time.:

Job title

Knowledge Transfer assistant

Brief Job description

Leading on developing the new Scottish Agronomy website, liaising with managing director as well as external companies (Purple Imp and Jane Craigie marketing). Meeting with members to understand what they want from Scottish Agronomy in terms of digital communications. Analysing data and presenting it in more user friendly ways.

Best day on secondment

Annual technical conference/ Harvest meal

Most challenging day on secondment

There has not been one specific day, in the secondment there has been ups and downs. This is normal in every secondment and being the first trainee for Scottish Agronomy, this is sometimes magnified, but everyone in the team has been very open and supportive. Doing a remote handover (due to COVID-19) has also proven interesting.

Most surprising thing that you learnt

I actually like computers, learning about new technologies and finding ways to use it to solve issues

How do you feel you have changed over this secondment: I feel I have significantly impacted Scottish Agronomy’s social media channels (@ScotAgCoOp, give them a follow!) as well as prompting people, staff and growers to look at it (and hopefully the website) a bit more