Meet the Member: The Chia Co

Meet the Member: The Chia Co

Why is the business an MDS member?

The Chia Co places MDS trainees in a supply chain role in its small team in its UK team. We use MDS because the trainees bring real enthusiasm to the role and it allows us to continually develop the role and its responsibilities.  We find that each trainee takes on a little bit more than the previous one so the role keeps getting bigger and better and offers a real challenge!


How much responsibility do you give to MDS trainees?

We try and give our Trainees as much responsibility as possible, this can range from managing co-packer relations, presenting at trade shows to buying packaging or ingredients. The level of responsibility generally grows through the six months as the trainee becomes more confident and able to take on more.


How do you get the most out of your MDS trainees?

We treat our trainees the same as we would a full time member of staff, this includes training, company performance figures, customer introductions and exposure to other areas of the business.  We find that this really empowers the trainees and you are able get much more out of them as they feel part of the team.


Are there any MDS alumni working in your business?

Yes, our General Manager (Annie Walton) and myself.


What have you gained from attending Meet the Trainee events?

We always try to book meetings with potential trainees in advance so we can see everyone we want, but it’s often the trainees that approach you that impress you the most.  The whole day has a buzz about it and you can tell that the trainees realise the importance of it.  I can’t think of another event where you get to meet so many talented graduates in such a short period of time.