Trainee Factfile: Fernando
Where are you from and how did you find out about MDS?
I am from Zaragoza (north eastern Spain) and I first heard about MDS during my Erasmus year at University of Reading.
What have your secondments been like?
I have been part of technical teams and collaborated with commercial and ethical departments. My secondments have been based in different sized companies of Norfolk, Lincolnshire, Huelva (Spain) and Kent. I have very much enjoyed working outdoors with people of different cultures, as well as planning visits and making sure everything goes as expected. Experiencing both UK summer and winter seasons has given me a better understanding of the whole industry and the challenges ahead.
How have you settled into the UK?
Starting somewhere new is always exciting, we do it 4 times in two years! Of course British culture is different and although some aspects are missed, changing often means moving forward and the reward when I look back in time is priceless. I have grown not only as a professional but also personally throughout my time on MDS and most trainees would agree that this is the case for them too.
In addition, many (but not all) MDS members are based in the Midlands, meaning that there are several airports with flights to many European destinations, which has made it easy for me to visit friends and family whilst on MDS.
What are your highlights of MDS?
I value the dedication and passion people have for their piece of land. MDS empowers young people and has given me the opportunity to challenge myself and to make a meaningful contribution to the business I’ve worked within.
What do you plan to do after MDS?
Two intense and empowering years are now coming to its end. Soon I will start a challenging role as Source Technologist with for MMUK that requires language skills, planning, self-reliance, attention to detail, and the ability to build relationships. Thanks to MDS I am able to tackle the main challenges that one faces in the industry with confidence, composure, and self-control all while trying to empathise with suppliers. I will be always on the move visiting farms and vineyards in different corners of the world. Having the chance to experience both the Southern and Northern Hemisphere grape harvest seasons in the same year was an opportunity I could not let pass me by!