Birds Eye joins MDS

Birds Eye joins MDS

We are pleased to announce that Birds Eye, the UK’s leading frozen food brand, have become an MDS Member. The business has joined through their UK Agricultural division and will offer some exciting hands-on secondments.

Birds Eye Secondment

The business have already seconded their first Trainee into an Assistant Agricultural Fieldsperson role. Group 50 Trainee, Harry Vandeleur, has started his MDS journey early specifically for the role, which is heavily involved with pea production and freezing operations. The Trainee graduated from RAU in 2018 with a degree in International Business Management in Food and Agribusiness.

Birds EyeHarry is excited to start his MDS journey:

“Being able to work for four different companies in four varied roles is a great opportunity so the potential for development is huge. Most importantly, the experience I can gain through MDS will set me in good stead for a bright future within the food industry.”

The group 50 Trainee is looking forward to his secondment with Birds Eye. “Working for a market leader means that I am exposed to the highest standard of operations. As a result, I will be able to develop my communication, time-management and organisational skills.”

Why MDS?

Birds Eye are looking forward to utilising MDS and most importantly working with our high-calibre Trainees. James Hopwood, Agriculture Manager for the UK and Italy, explained:

“It’s a fantastic milestone for Birds Eye to have joined the MDS Membership. Focused on our Agriculture division and our unique and sector-leading pea production and freezing operations, we feel strongly that the graduate scheme will be of significant benefit in ensuring a pipeline of high-calibre individuals into our succession planning.”

James highlighted the importance of MDS within the wider industry:

“Supporting young people in the industry in the early phases of their career, building on their core values and embedding resilience and accountability is so important.”
