Meet the Trainees: Rising Star Award nominations are now open!
As the highly anticipated June Meet the Trainees event fast approaches, so do the MDS Awards! We are pleased to announce that nominations for the Rising Star category are now open.
What is the Rising Star Award?
The Rising Star Award is presented to a Trainee who strives for success and achieves results. Rising Stars are Trainees who haven’t just carried out their secondment role. They have over-achieved and exceeded expectations within their role. They have taken anything managers throw at them with tenacity and resilience and have been able to prove their value to Member companies time and time again. We are looking for nominees who are ambitious future leaders.
Trainees across all groups are eligible for nominations from their secondment managers.
Recognising Talent
This is your opportunity to reward talented Trainees who have made a real impact to your organisation. It’s the chance for secondment managers to highlight how Trainees are useful to their business and the wider industry. The award is also the chance for Members to promote the culture of their business as valuing talent. Support your Trainees by nominating them for an award that is recognised within the industry and will support them in securing future roles and help them in their leadership journey.
Past Winners
- Louise Brooks, group 50: Nominated by Ed Hill from Double H Nurseries Ltd for remaining calm and determined under pressure when helping a brand new E-commerce startup customer.
- Harry Fountain, group 50: Nominated by Karen Wilson from JDM Food Group for having a great work ethic, alleviating workload and improving team morale in a very fast paced environment.
- Emma Howes, group 47: Nominated by Graham Issac from Westfalia for showing drive and determination not only in the tasks she was given but also in the wider business.
- Elizabeth Richards, group 48: Nominated by Richard Amey from Frank Roberts and Sons for being able to adapt to a range of situations, teams and a number of very different projects/tasks with a positive attitude and ferocious work rate.
- India Dodge-Forder, group 49: Nominated by Siân Hardy at Fancy Plants UK for putting in 100% effort and demonstrating the ability to work under pressure, handling significant changes to the company and supply network.
- James Rowe, group 48: Nominated by secondment manager James Bardgett at Fleurie Nurseries for demonstrating outstanding potential, operating at a standard that those with many years of experience and seniority would perform at.
- Isabel Cole, group 46: Nominated by Chris Guest and Alexander Berger from Aldi for showing exceptional ability when implementing a packhouse project.
If you are a Secondment Manager or Member representative who has worked with a Trainee who you feel has demonstrated leadership, ambition, perseverance and resilience over the course of their secondment, please complete our nomination form. Nominations close Monday 6th June, 5pm.